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Kohsuke Kawaguchi's avatar
Kohsuke Kawaguchi committed
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Kohsuke Kawaguchi committed
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Kohsuke Kawaguchi committed
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Kohsuke Kawaguchi's avatar
Kohsuke Kawaguchi committed
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Kohsuke Kawaguchi's avatar
Kohsuke Kawaguchi committed

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 <img src="//" width="16" height="16"
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 <img src="//" width="16" height="16"
  alt="Lightning"> = I tried it but rolled back to a previous version. <br>
Kohsuke Kawaguchi's avatar
Kohsuke Kawaguchi committed
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Kohsuke Kawaguchi committed
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<ul class=image>
Oleg Nenashev's avatar
Oleg Nenashev committed
  <li class="major bug">
    Do not throw exceptions if <code>Jenkins.getInstance()</code> returns <code>null</code> instance.
    It was causing failures on Jenkins agents in the case of unexpected API usage by agents.
    (<a href="">issue 34857</a>, regression in 2.4)
  <li class=rfe>
    Replace <code>jenkins.model.Jenkins.disableExceptionOnNullInstance</code> by
    <code>jenkins.model.Jenkins.enableExceptionOnNullInstance<code> to address the
    behavior change.
    (<a href="">issue 34857</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.4>What's new in 2.4</a> (2016/05/15)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class=rfe>
    Internal/build: <code>jenkins-ui</code> (NPM module) is private, used only internally.
    (<a href="">issue 34629</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Do not print stack trace during a plugin installation if it is missing its dependencies.
    (<a href="">issue 34683</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Allow specifying custom <code>AbortException</code>s.
    (<a href="">pull 2288</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
     Add a <code>hudson.model.UpdateCenter.defaultUpdateSiteId</code> system property, 
     which allows specifying an alternate default Update Site ID.
    (<a href="">issue 34674</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Allow setting of properties from <code>context.xml</code> and <code>web.xml</code>
    in addition to setting system properties from the command line.
    (<a href="">issue 34755</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Remove the historical initialization of CVS changelog parser for jobs without explicit SCM definition.
    <b>Warning!</b> This change may potentially cause a regression if a Jenkins plugin depends on this default behavior and injects changelogs without SCM.
    (<a href="">issue 4610</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Add the JOB_BASE_NAME environment variable to builds (job name without path).
    (<a href="">issue 25164</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Allow overriding Jenkins <code>UpdateCenter</code> by a custom implementation.
    (<a href="">issue 34733</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Allow overriding Jenkins <code>PluginManager</code> by a custom implementation.
    (<a href="">issue 34681</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Installation Wizard: Allow altering the list of suggested plugins from update sites.
    (<a href="">issue 34833</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Prevent hanging of the Installation Wizard if the default Update Site ID cannot be resolved.
    In such case an error message will be displayed.
    (<a href="">issue 34675</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Prevent hanging of the Installation Wizard if the internet check is skipped for the default update site.
    (<a href="">issue 34705</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Do not fail with error when enabling a plugin, which has been already enabled.
    It prevents errors in the new Installation Wizard, which installs plugins in parallel.
    (<a href="">issue 34710</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Plugin Manager was building incorrect list of bundled plugins for nested dependencies.
    (<a href="">issue 34748</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Prevent fatal failure of the updates check <code>PeriodicWork</code> if update site certificate is missing.
    (<a href="">issue 34745</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Pick up missing <code>Downloadable</code> items on restart if all update centers are up to date.
    (<a href="">issue 32886</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Allow starting non-<code>AbstractProject</code> (e.g. Pipeline) jobs from CLI.
    (<a href="">issue 28071</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Disable JSESSIONID in URLs when running in the JBoss web container.
    It prevents Error 404 due to invalid links starting from Jenkins 1.556.
    More info: <a href="">WFLY-4782</a>
    (<a href="">issue 34675</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Prevent RSS ID collisions for items with same name in different folders.
    (<a href="">issue 34767</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Prevent <code>NoSuchMethodException</code> in <code>loginLink.jelly</code>
    when attempting to start a job using REST API.
    (<a href="">issue 31618</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Make <code>ToolInstallers</code> to follow HTTP 30x redirects.
    (<a href="">issue 23507</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Prevent <code>NullPointerException</code> in the parameter definition job property
    if it gets initialized incorrectly.
    (<a href="">issue 34370</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Bundle <code>Font Awesome</code> and <code>Google Fonts: Roboto</code> dependencies 
    to prevent failures in the offline mode.
    (<a href="">issue 34628</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Internal: CLI commands <code>disconnect-node</code> and <code>reload-configuration</code> were extracted from the core to CLI.
    (<a href="">issue 34328</a> and
     <a href="">issue 31900</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Internal: Support latest source version to avoid compile time warnings with JDK7.
    <a href="">annotation-indexer</a> and
    <a href="">sezpoz</a> have been updated to 1.11.
    (<a href="">issue 32978</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Developer API: Switch <code>Jenkins.getInstance()</code> to <code>@Nonnull</code>.
    (new <a href="">system property</a>)
    (<a href="">pull 2297</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Remoting, scalability: Ensure that the unexporter cleans up whatever it can each GC sweep.
    (<a href="">issue 34213</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Remoting: Force class load on UserRequest to prevent deadlocks on Windows nodes agents in the case of multiple classloaders.
    (Controlled by <a href="">hudson.remoting.RemoteClassLoader.force</a>)
    (<a href="">issue 19445</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Remoting: Allow Jenkins admins to adjust the socket timeout.
    (Controlled by <a href="">hudson.remoting.Engine.socketTimeout</a>)
    (<a href="">issue 34808</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Remoting: Allow disabling the remoting protocols individually. 
    Allows working around compatibility issues like 
    <a href="">JENKINS-34121</a>.
    (Controlled by <a href="">PROTOCOL_CLASS_NAME.disabled</a>)
    (<a href="">issue 34819</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.3>What's new in 2.3</a> (2016/05/11)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class="major bug">
     <strong>Important security fixes</strong>
     (<a href="">security advisory</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.2>What's new in 2.2</a> (2016/05/08)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class="rfe">
    Add symbol annotations on core.
  	(<a href="">pull 2293</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Upgrade Stapler to 1.243.
  	(<a href="">pull 2298</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Internal/build: Enable JSHint during build.
  	(<a href="">issue 34438</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
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