(<a href="">issue 8334</a>)
<li class=rfe>
Avoid unnecessary downloads if automatically installed tools are up-to-date
(<a href="">issue 16215</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.499>What's new in 1.499</a> (2013/01/13)</h3>
<ul class=image>
<li class=bug>
Fixed <tt>NoClassDefFoundError: Base64</tt> with the <tt>-jnlpCredentials</tt> option.
(<a href="">issue 9679</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.498>What's new in 1.498</a> (2013/01/07)</h3>
<ul class=image>
<li class='major bug'>
The master key that was protecting all the sensitive data in <tt>$JENKINS_HOME</tt> was vulnerable.
<h3><a name=v1.497>What's new in 1.497</a> (2013/01/06)</h3>
<ul class=image>
<li class=bug>
Delete the oldest build but it still come up on HistoryWidget
(<a href="">issue 16194</a>)
<b>Older changelogs can be found in a <a href="changelog-old.html">separate file</a></b>