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<ul class=image>
<li class=>
<h3><a name=v2.38>What's new in 2.38</a> (2016/12/25)</h3>
<ul class=image>
Update to Winstone 3.2 to support ad-hoc certificate generation on Java 8 (using unsupported APIs).
<strong>This option is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.</strong>
We strongly recommend you create self-signed certificates yourself and use <tt>--httpsKeyStore</tt> and related options instead.
(<a href="">issue 25333</a>)
<li class=bug>
The <tt>install-plugin</tt> CLI command now correctly installs plugins when multiple file arguments are specified.
(<a href="">issue 32358</a>)
<li class=bug>
Correctly state that Jenkins will refuse to load plugins whose dependencies are not satisfied in plugin manager.
(<a href="">issue 40666</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.37>What's new in 2.37</a> (2016/12/18)</h3>
<li class="rfe">
Allow defining agent ping interval and ping timeout in seconds.
It can be done via the
<code>hudson.slaves.ChannelPinger.pingIntervalSeconds</code> and
<a href="">
system properties</a>.
(<a href="">issue 28245</a>)
<li class="rfe">
Delegate JNLP HMAC computation to <code>SlaveComputer</code> instances when possible.
(<a href="">issue 40286</a>)
<li class="rfe">
Diagnosability: Split Exception handling of node provision and adding to Jenkins.
(<a href="">issue 38903</a>)
<li class="rfe">
Do not report <code>-noCertificateCheck</code> warning to STDOUT.
(<a href="">pull 2666</a>)
<li class="rfe">
Improve overall performance of Jenkins by accessing item group elements without sorting where it is possible.
(<a href="">pull 2665</a>)
<li class="rfe">
Convert URI encoding check on the <code>Manage Jenkins</code> page into admin monitor.
(<a href="">issue 39433</a>)
<li class="rfe">
Update <a href="">SSHD Core</a> from 0.8.0 to 0.14.0.
(<a href="">pull 2662</a>)
<li class="bug">
SSHD Module: Handshake was failing (wrong shared secret) 1 out of 256 times due to
<a href="">SSHD-330</a>.
(<a href="">issue 40362</a>)
<li class="bug">
View display name was ignored during rendering of tabs.
(<a href="">issue 39300</a>)
<li class="bug">
Job configuration submission now does not fail when there is no parameters property.
(<a href="">issue 39700</a>, regression in 1.637)
<li class="bug">
Fix names of item loading and cleanup Jenkins initializatiion stages.
(<a href="">issue 40489</a>)
<li class="bug">
Performance: Use bulk change when submitting Job configurations
to minimize the number of sequential <code>config.xml</code> write operations.
(<a href="">issue 40435</a>)
<li class="bug">
<code>Check for Updates</code> button in the Plugin Manager was hidden in the <code>Updates</code> tab
when there was no plugins updates available.
(<a href="">issue 39971</a>)
<li class="bug">
Remoting 3.3: Agent JAR cache corruption was causing malfunctioning of agents.
(<a href="">issue 39547</a>)
<li class="bug">
Remoting 3.3: Improve diagnostics of the preliminary FifoBuffer termination in the JNLP2 protocol.
(<a href="">issue 40491</a>)
<li class="rfe">
Remoting 3.3: Hardening of FifoBuffer operation logic.
The change improves the original fix of
<a href="">JENKINS-25218</a>.
(<a href="">remoting pull #100</a>)
<li class="rfe">
Remoting 3.3: <code>ProxyException</code> now retains info about suppressed exceptions
when serializing over the channel.
(<a href="">remoting pull #136</a>)
<li class="rfe">
API: Introduce the new <code>Jenkins#isSubjectToMandatoryReadPermissionCheck(String restOfPath)</code> method
for checking access permissions to particular paths.
(<a href="">issue 32797</a>)
<li class="rfe">
API: Introduce new <code>Node#getNodeProperty()</code> methods for retrieving node properties.
(<a href="">issue 40365</a>)
<li class="rfe">
API: Introduce new <code>Items#allItems()</code> methods for accessing items in item groups without sorting overhead.
(<a href="">issue 40252</a>)
<li class="rfe">
Improved Polish translation.
(<a href="">pull 2643</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.36>What's new in 2.36</a> (2016/12/11)</h3>
<li class="bug">
Several badges were missing in builds flagged as <code>KeepBuildForever</code>.
(<a href="">issue 40281</a>, regression in 2.34)
<li class="bug">
Retain cause of blockage if the Queue task cannot be taken due to the decision of
<code>QueueTaskDispatcher</code> extension, <code>NodeProperty</code> and other extensions.
(<a href="">issue 38514</a>)
<li class="rfe">
Internal API: Allow overriding <code>UserProperty.setUser(User)</code>.
(<a href="">issue 40266</a>)
<li class="rfe">
Internal API: Restrict usage of core localization message classes in plugins.
These message classes are not guaranteed to be binary compatible.
(<a href="">pull 2656</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.35>What's new in 2.35</a> (2016/12/04)</h3>
<ul class=image>
<li class="rfe">
Add display name and full display name of items to the remote API.
(<a href="">issue 39972</a>)
<li class="rfe">
API: Allow specifying log level in <tt>SystemProperties</tt> when a System property is undefined.
(<a href="">pull 2646</a>)
<li class="bug">
Followup fix for JENKINS-23271 in 2.34 addressing plugin implementations not using <tt>ProcStarter</tt>.
(<a href="">pull 2653</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.34>What's new in 2.34</a> (2016/11/27)</h3>
<li class="rfe">
Improve performance of <code>Action</code> retrieval methods.
It speeds up core and plugin logic operating with <code>Actionable</code> objects like items, folders, nodes, etc.
(<a href="">issue 38867</a>)
<li class="rfe">
Update the <a href="">SSHD module</a> from <code>1.7</code> to <code>1.8</code>.
The change disables obsolete Ciphers: AES128CBC, TripleDESCBC, and BlowfishCBC.
(<a href="">issue 39805</a>)
<li class="rfe">
Update the <a href="">Windows process management library (WinP)</a> from <code>1.22</code> to <code>1.24</code>.
Full changelog is available <a href="">here</a>, only major issues are mentioned below.
(<a href="">pull 2619</a>)
<li class="bug">
WinP 1.24: Native class now tries loading DLLs from the temporary location.
(<a href="">issue 20913</a>)
<li class="bug">
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