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Kohsuke Kawaguchi committed
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Kohsuke Kawaguchi committed
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Kohsuke Kawaguchi committed
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Kohsuke Kawaguchi's avatar
Kohsuke Kawaguchi committed
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Kohsuke Kawaguchi's avatar
Kohsuke Kawaguchi committed

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Kohsuke Kawaguchi's avatar
Kohsuke Kawaguchi committed
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Kohsuke Kawaguchi committed
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<ul class=image>
  <li class="major rfe">
    Decouple bouncycastle libraries from Jenkins into bouncycastle-api plugin
    (<a href="">issue 36923</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Upgrade to instance-identity module 2.1
    (<a href="">issue 36923</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Hide the Java Web Start launcher when the TCP agent port is disabled
    (<a href="">issue 36996</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    If an older version of a detached plugin is already installed it does not get upgraded  
    (<a href="htt[s://">issue 37041<a>)
  <li class=>
<h3><a name=v2.15>What's new in 2.15</a> (2016/07/24)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class="major bug">
    Tell browsers not to cache or try to autocomplete forms in Jenkins to prevent problems due to invalid data in form submissions.
    From now on, only select form fields (e.g. job name) will offer autocompletion.
    (<a href="">issue 18435</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Add a cache for user information to fix performance regression due to SECURITY-243.
    (<a href="">issue 35493</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Prevent null pointer exceptions when not entering a cron spec for a trigger.
    (<a href="">issue 36748</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Defend against some fatal startup errors.
    (<a href="">issue 36666</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Use the icon specified by the computer implementation on its overview page.
    (<a href="">issue 36775</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Internal: Extract the CLI command <tt>offline-node</tt> from core.
    (<a href="">issue 34468</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.14>What's new in 2.14</a> (2016/07/17)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class=rfe>
    Minor optimization in calculation of recent build stability health report.
    (<a href="">issue 36629</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Underprivileged users were unable to use the default value of a password parameter.
    (<a href="">issue 36476</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Allow keeping builds forever with custom build retention strategies.
    (<a href="">issue 26438</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Properly handle exceptions during global configuration form submissions when <code>SCM Retry Count</code> field is empty.
    (<a href="">issue 36387</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    When a user aborts the build, this user may be restored after its deletion.
    (<a href="">issue 36594</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Prevent potential <code>NullPointerException</code> in the <code>BlockedBecauseOfBuildInProgress</code> build blockage cause visualization.
    (<a href="">issue 36592</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    CLI commands <code>quiet-down</code> and <code>cancel-quiet-down</code> were extracted from the core to CLI.
    (<a href="">issue 35423</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Developer API: Extract listing of computer names to the <code>ComputerSet#getComputerNames()</code> method.
    (<a href="">issue 35423</a>)
Stephen Connolly's avatar
Stephen Connolly committed
  <li class=rfe>
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    Developer API: Add a try with resources form of impersonation.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 36494</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Developer API: Usage of <code>ItemCategory#MIN_TOSHOW</code> in external plugins is now restricted.
    (<a href="">issue 36593</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.13>What's new in 2.13</a> (2016/07/10)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class=bug>
    <code>IllegalStateException</code> under certain conditions when reloading configuration from disk while jobs are in the queue.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 27530</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Eliminate “dead executor” UI appearing after certain errors, such as JENKINS-27530.
    (<a href="">PR 2440</a>)
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
  <li class=bug>
    Make setup wizard installation panel usable on small screens.
    (<a href="">issue 34668</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.12>What's new in 2.12</a> (2016/07/05)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class=rfe>
    Enable the <code>DescriptorVisibilityFilter</code>s for ComputerLauncher, RetentionStrategy and NodeProperty.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 36280</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Before starting a process, ensure that its working directory exists.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 36277</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Prevent <code>NullPointerException</code> during SCM polling if <code>SCMDecisionHandler</code> returns <code>null</code> veto.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 36232</a>, regression in 2.11)
  <li class=bug>
    Ensure that <code>SCMDescriptor.newInstance</code> overrides are honored when creating new SCM entries.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 36043</a>,
     <a href="">issue 35906</a>
    , regression in 2.10)
  <li class=bug>
    Performance: Improve configuration page load times by removing the CodeMirror reloading cycle.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 32027</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Fix optional plugin dependency version resolution.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 21486</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    When creating a tar file, ensure that the final size does not exceed the value
    in header in the case of growing files.
    (<a href="">Issue 20187</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Do not inject build variables into Maven process by default for new projects.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 25416</a>, 
     <a href="">issue 28790</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Update <code>BUILD_TAG</code> environment variable description to mention the replacement of slashes with dashes.
    (<a href="">PR #2417</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Internal API: Make <code>BulkChange</code> auto-closeable.
    (<a href="">PR #2428</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.11>What's new in 2.11</a> (2016/06/26)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class=rfe>
    Provide an extension point for SCM decisions such as whether to poll a specific job's backing
    repository for changes.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 36123</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.10>What's new in 2.10</a> (2016/06/19)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class=rfe>
    Better exception message if a <code>SecurityRealm</code> returns null when loading a user.
    (<a href="">PR #2407</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Prevent <code>NullPointerException</code> in user registration if user ID is not specified.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 33600</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Internal: It was impossible to build Jenkins on 32-bit Linux machine.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 36052, regression from 2.0</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.9>What's new in 2.9</a> (2016/06/13)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class=bug>
    Always send usage statistics over HTTPs to the new hostname.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 35641</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Performance: Disable AutoBrowserHolder by default to improve the changelog rendering performance.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 35098</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Remoting 2.60: Make the channel reader tolerant against Socket timeouts.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 22722</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Remoting 2.60: Proper handling of the <code>no_proxy</code> environment variable.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 32326</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Remoting 2.60: Do not invoke PingFailureAnalyzer for agent=>master ping failures.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 35190</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Remoting 2.60: <code>hudson.Remoting.Engine#waitForServerToBack</code> now uses credentials for connection.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 31256</a>) 
  <li class=bug>
    Remoting 2.60: Fix potential file handle leaks during the build agent (FKA slave) startup.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    <a href="">issue 35190</a>) 
  <li class=rfe>
    Internal: Upgrade Groovy to 2.4.7 to finalize the fix in Jenkins 2.7.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 34751</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    API: Allow delegating <code>TaskListener</code> creation to build agent implementations.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 34923</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    API: Restrict external usages of </code>jenkins.util.ResourceBundleUtil</code>.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 35381</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    API: Make it easier for <code>UpdateSite</code>s to tweak the </code>InstallationJob</code>.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 35402</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.8>What's new in 2.8</a> (2016/06/05)</h3>
<ul class=image>
    Explicitly declare compatibility of Windows build agent service with .NET Framework 4.
    (<a href="">PR #2386</a>)
Oliver Gondža's avatar
Oliver Gondža committed
  <li class=rfe>
    API: Introduce new listener extension point for slave creation/update/deletion.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 33780</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Lossless optimization sizes of PNG images in Jenkins.
    (<a href="">PR #2379</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Fix the repeatable item delete button layout in Safari.
    Addresses Build Steps and other such configuration items.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 35178</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Installation Wizard: Do not offer creating new admin user if the security is preconfigured.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 34881</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Prevent <code>NullPointerException</code> on startup after update from Jenkins 2.5.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 35206</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Honor noProxy settings from "Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Advanced".
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 31915</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Add <a href="">NTLM support</a>
    to the proxy validation logic.
    (<a href="">PR #1955</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.7>What's new in 2.7</a> (2016/05/29)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class="bug">
    Prevent stack overflow when using classes with complex generic type arguments 
    (e.g. <code>hudson.model.Run</code> or <code>hudson.model.Job</code>).
    Regression in Groovy 2.4, 
    see <a href="">GROOVY-7826</a> for more info.
    (<a href="">issue 34751</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Do not invoke <code>PingFailureAnalyzer</code> for agent=>master ping failures.
    (<a href="">issue 35190</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Fix keyboard navigation in setup wizard.
    (<a href="">issue 33947</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Cleanup of Javascript issues discovered by the JSHint static analyis tool.
    (<a href="">issue 35020</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    <code>DelegatingComputerLauncher</code> now accepts child classes in its hooks
    (pre-offline, pre-connect, etc.).
    (<a href="">issue 35198</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Internal: Activate JSHint in Jenkins js-builder component during the core build.
    (<a href="">issue 34438</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Internal: Add symbol annotation for <code>SystemInfoLink</code>.
    (<a href="">PR #2375</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Internal: NodeJS build was malfunctional on Win x64.
    (<a href="">issue 35201</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.6>What's new in 2.6</a> (2016/05/22)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class="major rfe">
    Adapt the Setup Wizard GUI to provide a similar user experience when upgrading Jenkins. 
    (<a href="">issue 33663</a>)
  <!--TODO: add a links to the Extension points when Wiki get's updated-->
  <li class="rfe">
    Improve extensibility of the Setup Wizard GUI: 
    <code>InstallState</code> and <code>InstallStateFilter</code> extension points. 
    (<a href="">PR 2281</a> as supplimentary change for 
    <a href="">issue 33663</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Improve User Experience in the New Item form. Submit button is always visible. 
    (<a href="">issue 34244</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Allow passing a list of safe job parameters in <code>ParametersAction</code>.
    It simplifies fixing of <a href="">plugins affected by SECURITY-170 fix</a>.
    (<a href="">PR 2353</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Added Symbol annotations for 
    <code>ParametersDefinition</code> and <code>BuildDiscarder</code> properties. 
    (<a href="">PR 2358</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Extended the <code>online-node</code> CLI command for accepting multiple agents. 
    (<a href="">issue 34531</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Listed Parameters should reflect what was used when the build ran (filtering of unsafe parameters).
    (<a href="">issue 34858</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Scalability: Fix performance issues in the XML unmarshalling code.
    (<a href="">issue 34888</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Support the legacy icon size specification approach in the Status Ball visualization.
    (<a href="">issue 25220</a>, regression in 1.586)
  <li class="bug">
    Migrate the leftover system properties to the new engine introduced in 2.4.
    (<a href="">issue 34854</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Do not show warnings abot a missing Tool Installer if it is present in at least one Update Site.
    (<a href="">issue 34880</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Prevent hanging of the installation wizard due to the plugin status update issue.
    (<a href="">issue 34708</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Internal: CLI command <code>connect-node</code> was extracted from the core to CLI. 
    (<a href="">issue 31417</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.5>What's new in 2.5</a> (2016/05/16)</h3>
<ul class=image>
Oleg Nenashev's avatar
Oleg Nenashev committed
  <li class="major bug">
    Do not throw exceptions if <code>Jenkins.getInstance()</code> returns <code>null</code> instance.
    It was causing failures on Jenkins agents in the case of unexpected API usage by agents.
    (<a href="">issue 34857</a>, regression in 2.4)
  <li class=rfe>
    Replace <code>jenkins.model.Jenkins.disableExceptionOnNullInstance</code> by
    <code>jenkins.model.Jenkins.enableExceptionOnNullInstance</code> to address the
Oleg Nenashev's avatar
Oleg Nenashev committed
    behavior change.
    (<a href="">issue 34857</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.4>What's new in 2.4</a> (2016/05/15)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class=rfe>
    Internal/build: <code>jenkins-ui</code> (NPM module) is private, used only internally.
    (<a href="">issue 34629</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Do not print stack trace during a plugin installation if it is missing its dependencies.
    (<a href="">issue 34683</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Allow specifying custom <code>AbortException</code>s.
    (<a href="">pull 2288</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
     Add a <code>hudson.model.UpdateCenter.defaultUpdateSiteId</code> system property, 
     which allows specifying an alternate default Update Site ID.
    (<a href="">issue 34674</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Allow setting of properties from <code>context.xml</code> and <code>web.xml</code>
    in addition to setting system properties from the command line.
    (<a href="">issue 34755</a>)
    Remove the historical initialization of CVS changelog parser for jobs without explicit SCM definition.
    <b>Warning!</b> This change may potentially cause a regression if a Jenkins plugin depends on this default behavior and injects changelogs without SCM.
    (<a href="">issue 4610</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Add the JOB_BASE_NAME environment variable to builds (job name without path).
    (<a href="">issue 25164</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Allow overriding Jenkins <code>UpdateCenter</code> by a custom implementation.
    (<a href="">issue 34733</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Allow overriding Jenkins <code>PluginManager</code> by a custom implementation.
    (<a href="">issue 34681</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Installation Wizard: Allow altering the list of suggested plugins from update sites.
    (<a href="">issue 34833</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Prevent hanging of the Installation Wizard if the default Update Site ID cannot be resolved.
    In such case an error message will be displayed.
    (<a href="">issue 34675</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Prevent hanging of the Installation Wizard if the internet check is skipped for the default update site.
    (<a href="">issue 34705</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Do not fail with error when enabling a plugin, which has been already enabled.
    It prevents errors in the new Installation Wizard, which installs plugins in parallel.
    (<a href="">issue 34710</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Plugin Manager was building incorrect list of bundled plugins for nested dependencies.
    (<a href="">issue 34748</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Prevent fatal failure of the updates check <code>PeriodicWork</code> if update site certificate is missing.
    (<a href="">issue 34745</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Pick up missing <code>Downloadable</code> items on restart if all update centers are up to date.
    (<a href="">issue 32886</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Allow starting non-<code>AbstractProject</code> (e.g. Pipeline) jobs from CLI.
    (<a href="">issue 28071</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Disable JSESSIONID in URLs when running in the JBoss web container.
    It prevents Error 404 due to invalid links starting from Jenkins 1.556.
    More info: <a href="">WFLY-4782</a>
    (<a href="">issue 34675</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Prevent RSS ID collisions for items with same name in different folders.
    (<a href="">issue 34767</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Prevent <code>NoSuchMethodException</code> in <code>loginLink.jelly</code>
    when attempting to start a job using REST API.
    (<a href="">issue 31618</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Make <code>ToolInstallers</code> to follow HTTP 30x redirects.
    (<a href="">issue 23507</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Prevent <code>NullPointerException</code> in the parameter definition job property
    if it gets initialized incorrectly.
    (<a href="">issue 34370</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Bundle <code>Font Awesome</code> and <code>Google Fonts: Roboto</code> dependencies 
    to prevent failures in the offline mode.
    (<a href="">issue 34628</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Internal: CLI commands <code>disconnect-node</code> and <code>reload-configuration</code> were extracted from the core to CLI.
    (<a href="">issue 34328</a> and
     <a href="">issue 31900</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Internal: Support latest source version to avoid compile time warnings with JDK7.
    <a href="">annotation-indexer</a> and
    <a href="">sezpoz</a> have been updated to 1.11.
    (<a href="">issue 32978</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Developer API: Switch <code>Jenkins.getInstance()</code> to <code>@Nonnull</code>.
    (new <a href="">system property</a>)
    (<a href="">pull 2297</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Remoting, scalability: Ensure that the unexporter cleans up whatever it can each GC sweep.
    (<a href="">issue 34213</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Remoting: Force class load on UserRequest to prevent deadlocks on Windows nodes agents in the case of multiple classloaders.
    (Controlled by <a href="">hudson.remoting.RemoteClassLoader.force</a>)
    (<a href="">issue 19445</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Remoting: Allow Jenkins admins to adjust the socket timeout.
    (Controlled by <a href="">hudson.remoting.Engine.socketTimeout</a>)
    (<a href="">issue 34808</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Remoting: Allow disabling the remoting protocols individually. 
    Allows working around compatibility issues like 
    <a href="">JENKINS-34121</a>.
    (Controlled by <a href="">PROTOCOL_CLASS_NAME.disabled</a>)
    (<a href="">issue 34819</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.3>What's new in 2.3</a> (2016/05/11)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class="major bug">
     <strong>Important security fixes</strong>
     (see the <a href="">security advisory</a> for details and plugin compatibility issues)
<h3><a name=v2.2>What's new in 2.2</a> (2016/05/08)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class="rfe">
    Add symbol annotations on core.
  	(<a href="">pull 2293</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Upgrade Stapler to 1.243.
  	(<a href="">pull 2298</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Internal/build: Enable JSHint during build.
  	(<a href="">issue 34438</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Workaround for unpredictable Windows file locking.
  	(<a href="">issue 15331</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
  	Improved Lithuanian translation.
  	(<a href="">pull 2309</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
  	Improved French translation.
  	(<a href="">pull 2308</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Restrict access to URLs related to plugin manager.
  	(<a href="">issue 31611</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    API: New <tt>HttpSessionListener</tt> extension point.
  	(<a href="">pull 2303</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Don't go through init sequence twice.
  	(<a href="">pull 2177</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Create Item form can be navigated using keyboard again.
  	(<a href="">issue 33822</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Fix inline help for node name field.
  	(<a href="">issue 34601</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.1>What's new in 2.1</a> (2016/05/01)</h3>
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
<ul class=image>
  <li class="major bug">
  	Enable disabled dependencies during plugin installations.
  	(<a href="">issue 34494</a>)
  <li class="major bug">
  	Force ordering between GPG and jarsigner to ensure correct GPG signature.
  	(<a href="">pull 2285</a>)
  <li class="major bug">
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
  	Secured Jenkins installations didn't properly save the queue on shutdown.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
  	(<a href="">issue 34281</a>)

  <li class="rfe">
  	Add dependency resolution to manually uploaded plugins.
  	(<a href="">issue 15057</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
  	Show Jenkins version on setup wizard.
  	(<a href="">issue 33535</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
  	Update remoting to 2.57.
  	(<a href="">issue 33999</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
  	Allow retrying plugin downloads in setup wizard.
  	(<a href="">issue 33244</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
  	Add links to homepage of plugins and dependencies in setup wizard.
  	(<a href="">issue 33936</a>,
  	 <a href="">issue 33937</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
  	Improved handling of the 'close' button during setup wizard.
  	(<a href="">issue 34137</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
  	Wrong spacing in flat mode of 'Create Item' screen.
  	(<a href="">issue 31162</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
  	Add timestamp to the <tt>jarsigner</tt> signature.
  	(<a href="">pull 2284</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
  	Improved French translation.
  	(<a href="">pull 2267</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
  	Improved Lithuanian translation.
  	(<a href="">pull 2286</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
  	Improved Brazilian Portuguese translation.
  	(<a href="">pull 2273</a>)

  <li class="bug">
  	Prevent errors when hiding management links.
  	(<a href="">issue 33683</a>)
  <li class="bug">
  	Internal: Make logger field private.
  	(<a href="">issue 34093</a>)
  <li class="bug">
  	Shorter timeout for plugin downloads to prevent setup wizard from hanging.
  	(<a href="">issue 34174</a>)
  <li class="bug">
  	Check if job is buildable before showing 'Build with parameters' page.
  	(<a href="">issue 34146</a>)
  <li class="bug">
  	Fixed race condition in slave offline cause.
  	(<a href="">issue 34448</a>)
  <li class="bug">
  	Allow enabling disabled dependencies in the plugin manager to fix broken configurations.
  	(<a href="">issue 32340</a>)
  <li class="bug">
  	Always display clicked scrollspy items as active in setup wizard.
  	(<a href="">issue 33948</a>)
  <li class="bug">
  	Prevent multiple installations of the same dependency.
  	(<a href="">issue 33950</a>)

Kohsuke Kawaguchi's avatar
Kohsuke Kawaguchi committed
<h3><a name=v2.0>What's new in 2.0</a> (2016/04/20)</h3>
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
<div style="margin: 10px; padding: 10px; background-color: #FFFFCE;">
  <strong>More detailed information about the new features in Jenkins 2.0 <a href="/2.0/">on the overview page</a>.</strong>

<ul class=image>
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
  <li class="rfe major">
    New password-protected setup wizard shown on first run to guide users through installation of popular plugins and setting up an admin user.
    (<a href="">issue 30749</a>,
     <a href="">issue 9598</a>)
  <li class="rfe major">
    Plugin bundling overhaul: Bundled plugins are only installed if necessary when upgrading, all plugins can be uninstalled.
    (<a href="">issue 20617</a>)
  <li class="rfe major">
    Redesigned job configuration form makes it easier to understand the option hierarchy, and to navigate the form.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 32357</a>)
  <li class="rfe major">
    Richer 'Create Item' form with job icons and job categories (once a threshold of three categories has been reached).
    (<a href="">issue 31162</a>)

  <li class="rfe">
    Upgrade wizard encourages installation of Pipeline related plugins when upgrading from 1.x.
    (<a href="">issue 33662</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    <strong>Jenkins now requires Servlet 3.1</strong>. Upgraded embedded Winstone-Jetty to Jetty 9 accordingly.
    <strong>This removes AJP support when using the embedded Winstone-Jetty container.</strong>
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 23378</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Bundled Groovy updated from 1.8.9 to 2.4.6.
    (<a href="">issue 21249</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Added option to prohibit anonymous access to security realm "Logged in users can do anything", enable by default.
    (<a href="">issue 30749</a>)
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
  <li class="rfe">
    Renamed 'slave' to 'agent' on the UI.
    (<a href="">issue 27268</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Improvements to inline documentation of numerous form fields in Jenkins global and job configuration.
    (<a href="">issue 33364</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Change default CSRF protection crumb name to Jenkins-Crumb for nginx compatibility.
    (<a href="">issue 12875</a>)

  <li class="bug">
    Enforce correct icon size in list view.
    (<a href="">issue 33799</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    CLI: Fixed NPE when non-existent run is requested.
    (<a href="">issue 33942</a>)

<h3><a name=v1.656>What's new in 1.656</a> (2016/04/03)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class="bug">
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    Advertise the correct JNLP port when using the system property override.
    (<a href="">pull 2189</a>)
  <li class="bug">
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    Pipeline runs not reliably started after restart when using <em>Build after other projects are built</em>.
    (<a href="">issue 33971</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Prevent badges in build history sidepanel widget from overlapping page contents.
    (<a href="">issue 33826</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Developer API: Allow putting <tt>@Initializer</tt> annotations on instance methods.
    (<a href="">pull 2176</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Core development: Rerun failing tests rather than ignoring flaky tests.
    (<a href="">pull 2188</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Core development: Prevent leaking threads due to <tt>NioChannelSelector</tt>.
    (<a href="">pull 2176</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.655>What's new in 1.655</a> (2016/03/27)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class="major bug">
    Downgrade Stapler to 1.239 to fix remote API issues.
    (<a href="">issue 33546</a>, 
    <a href="">issue 33605</a>)
  <li class="major bug">
    Plugin filters were failing to be removed and blocking restart.
    (<a href="">issue 33681</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Do not hardcode <tt>.bat</tt> extension for Maven on Windows.
    (<a href="">issue 33693</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Reduce log level of <tt>UncaughtExceptionHandler</tt> message on startup.
    (<a href="">pull 2171</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Don't store redundant build causes, make list of build causes immutable.
    (<a href="">issue 33467</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Developer API: Add <tt>Fingerprint.getXStream()</tt>.
    (<a href="">pull 2163</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Core Development:  Add the <tt>.mvn</tt> directory and set default <tt>-Xmx</tt> value.
    (<a href="">pull 2162</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.654>What's new in 1.654</a> (2016/03/21)</h3>
<ul class=image>
Oliver Gondža's avatar
Oliver Gondža committed
  <li class="bug">
Oliver Gondža's avatar
Oliver Gondža committed
    Improve logging and error message when JNLP is already in use.
Oliver Gondža's avatar
Oliver Gondža committed
    (<a href="">issue 33453</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    <code>NullPointerException</code> from <code>BuildTrigger$DescriptorImpl.doCheck</code> when using <em>Build other projects</em> in <em>Promotion process</em> of a CloudBees template, and perhaps other circumstances.
    (<a href="">issue 32525</a>)
Oliver Gondža's avatar
Oliver Gondža committed
  <li class="rfe">
    Improved the Build Other Projects help message.
    (<a href="">issue 32134</a>)
  <li class="bug">
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    <code>FutureImpl.cancel()</code> doesn't cancel the linked job.
Oliver Gondža's avatar
Oliver Gondža committed
    (<a href="">issue 33038</a>)
  <li class="bug">
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    Reject malformed range syntax in fingerprints data.
Oliver Gondža's avatar
Oliver Gondža committed
    (<a href="">issue 33037</a>)
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
  <li class="bug">
    Do not fail update center check if there are no tool installers defined.
    (<a href="">issue 32831</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Log otherwise unhandled exceptions when threads die.
    (<a href="">issue 33395</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Do not specifically require .NET framework 2.0 since 4.0 will do as well.
    (<a href="">issue 21484</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.653>What's new in 1.653</a> (2016/03/13)</h3>
<ul class=image>
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
  <li class="major rfe">
    Support encrypted communication between master and JNLP slaves.
    (<a href="">issue 26580</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Fix argument masking for sensitive build variables on Windows.
    (<a href="">issue 28790</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    More compact representation of redundant build causes.
Oliver Gondža's avatar
Oliver Gondža committed
    (<a href="">issue 33467</a>)
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
  <li class="rfe">
    Developer API: <tt>Jenkins.getInstance()</tt> cannot be <tt>null</tt> anymore. Introduced <tt>Jenkins.getInstanceOrNull()</tt>.
<h3><a name=v1.652>What's new in 1.652</a> (2016/03/06)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class="bug">
    Under some conditions Jenkins startup could fail because of incorrectly linked extensions; now recovering more gracefully.
Oliver Gondža's avatar
Oliver Gondža committed
    (<a href="">issue 25440</a>)
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
  <li class="rfe">
    Developer API: Add <tt>WorkspaceList.tempDir(…)</tt>.
    (<a href="">issue 27152</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.651>What's new in 1.651</a> (2016/02/28)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class="rfe">
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    Move periodic task log files from <code>JENKINS_HOME/*.log</code> to <code>JENKINS_HOME/logs/tasks/*.log</code> and rotate them periodically rather than overwrite every execution.
Oliver Gondža's avatar
Oliver Gondža committed
    (<a href="">issue 33068</a>)
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
  <li class="bug">
    Fix documentation of proxy configuration.
    (<a href="">pull 2060</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.650>What's new in 1.650</a> (2016/02/24)</h3>
<ul class=image>
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
   <li class="major bug">
     <strong>Important security fixes</strong>
     (<a href="">security advisory</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.649>What's new in 1.649</a> (2016/02/21)</h3>
<ul class=image>
Harald Albers's avatar
Harald Albers committed
    Allow changing the directory used for the extraction of plugin archives via the <code>--pluginroot</code> CLI option (also controllable via the <code>hudson.PluginManager.workDir</code> system property / context parameter. Also document the <code>--webroot</code> CLI parameter in <code>java -jar jenkins.war --help</code>
    (<a href="">issue 32765</a>)
Oliver Gondža's avatar
Oliver Gondža committed
  <li class="rfe">
    Unify CLI exit code semantics.
    (<a href="">issue 32273</a>)
Oliver Gondža's avatar
Oliver Gondža committed
  <li class="bug">
    ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when parsing range set.
    (<a href="">issue 32852</a>)
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
  <li class="rfe">
    Improved Polish translation.
    (<a href="">pull 2041</a>,
    <a href="">pull 2044</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.648>What's new in 1.648</a> (2016/02/17)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class="rfe">
    Improved Czech and Polish translation.
    (<a href="">pull 2008</a>,
    <a href="">pull 2017</a>,
    <a href="">pull 2018</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Generate new instance identity file when the existing one is found to be corrupt.
    (<a href="">issue 29240</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.647>What's new in 1.647</a> (2016/02/04)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class="bug">
    Retrieve tool installer metadata from all update sites.
    (<a href="">issue 32328</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.646>What's new in 1.646</a> (2016/01/25)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class="major rfe">
    The official parent POM for plugins is now hosted in the <code>plugin-pom</code> repository, starting with version 2.0.
    (<a href="">issue 32493</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Under some conditions a build record could be loaded twice, leading to erratic behavior.
    (<a href="">issue 22767</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Fields on the parameters page are no longer aligned at the bottom.
    (<a href="">issue 31753</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Added missing translations for Polish language.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">pull 1986</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.645>What's new in 1.645</a> (2016/01/18)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class="bug">
    Cleanup of CLI error handling and return codes.
    (<a href="">issue 32273</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Boot failure hook script did not work, WebAppMain.contextDestroyed produces weird errors.
    (<a href="">issue 24696</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Don't request usage statistics update if Jenkins hasn't finished loading.
    (<a href="">issue 32190</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Split test harness into separate artifact.
    (<a href="">issue 32478</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Fix encoding of some help files.
    (<a href="">pull 1975</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Remove JUnit dependency pulled in from JLine.
    (<a href="">pull 1981</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Pass <tt>$it</tt> to contents of <tt>dropdownDescriptorSelector</tt>.
    (<a href="">issue 19565</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.644>What's new in 1.644</a> (2016/01/10)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class="rfe">
    API changes: Add a reusable implementation of <code>IdleOfflineCause</code> class.
    (<a href="">commit 7e05b50</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Add time zone to generation date in footer in most locales.
    (<a href="">issue 32194</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Prevent renaming nodes from overwriting existing nodes.
    (<a href="">issue 31321</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Avoid synchronization when setting/getting the list of JDKs to improve performance.
    (<a href="">issue 31932</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    The Windows service wrapper now specifies the <code>--webroot</code> argument to extract the war file into <code>%BASE%</code>.
    (<a href="">pull 1951</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.643>What's new in 1.643</a> (2015/12/20)</h3>
<ul class=image>
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
  <li class="bug">
    Fix when multiple clouds are set up and provisioning of a node is denied.
    (<a href="">issue 31219</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Allow retrying core update when the first attempt failed.
    (<a href="">issue 11016</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Allow specifying the default TCP slave agent listener port via system property.
    (<a href="">commit 653fbdb</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.642>What's new in 1.642</a> (2015/12/13)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class="major bug">
    Various kinds of settings could not be saved since 1.640.
    (<a href="">issue 31954</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.641>What's new in 1.641</a> (2015/12/09)</h3>
<ul class=image>
   <li class="major bug">
     <strong>Important security fixes</strong>
     (<a href="">security advisory</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.640>What's new in 1.640</a> (2015/12/07)</h3>
<ul class=image>
Oleg Nenashev's avatar
Oleg Nenashev committed
  <li class="rfe">
    Added support of default values in the <code>enum.jelly</code> form element.
    (<a href="">PR 1926</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Bytecode Compatibility Transformer computes the common super class without loading classes.
    Fixes the <code>ClassCircularityError</code> exception in Ruby Runtime Plugin. 
    (<a href="">issue 31019</a>)
  <li class="major bug">
    Extended Choice parameter definitions could not be saved since 1.637.
    (<a href="">issue 31458</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Display expected CRON run times even if a warning occurs.
    (<a href="">issue 29059</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Rework the <code>online-node</code> command implementation, no functional changes.
    (<a href="">issue 31776</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Fix the footer behavior in particular cases.  
    (<a href="">issue 30304</a>, 
    <a href="">issue 31395</a>)
Oleg Nenashev's avatar
Oleg Nenashev committed
  <li class="rfe">
    API changes: Deprecate subclassing of <code>hudson.Plugin</code>.
    (<a href="">PR 1940</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.639>What's new in 1.639</a> (2015/11/29)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class="major bug">
    “Discard old builds” setting would be lost if resaving job configuration as of 1.637 without rechecking the box.
    (<a href="">issue 31518</a>)
  <li class="major bug">
    “Form too large” errors from Jetty when submitting massive forms.
    (<a href="">issue 20327</a>)
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
  <li class="bug">
    Multiple workspace browser features broken on Windows masters since 1.634.
    (<a href="">issue 31015</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.638>What's new in 1.638</a> (2015/11/11)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class="major bug">
    <strong>Important security fixes</strong>
    (<a href="">security advisory</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.637>What's new in 1.637</a> (2015/11/08)</h3>
<ul class=image>
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
  <li class="bug">
    Remove useless warnings about a JDK named <em>null</em>.
    (<a href="">issue 31217</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    New <tt>OptionalJobProperty</tt> class to simplify <tt>JobProperty</tt> creation.
    (<a href="">pull 1888</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.636>What's new in 1.636</a> (2015/11/01)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class="rfe">
    Add "lastCompletedBuild" job permalink.
    (<a href="">issue 26270</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.635>What's new in 1.635</a> (2015/10/25)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class="rfe">
    Make Node implement Saveable.
    (<a href="">issue 31055</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Revert trigger optimizations made in 1.621 by <a href="">PR 1617</a>.
    (<a href="">issue 30745</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Delegate CLI's delete-node command to the overridable <code>Computer.doDoDelete()</code> method.
    Fixes the issue in OpenStack and JClouds plugins.
    (<a href="">issue 31098</a>, regression in 1.618)
Oleg Nenashev's avatar
Oleg Nenashev committed
  <li class="bug">
    Prevent autocorrect of username on mobile devices in login forms.
    (<a href="">PR 1531</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Describe the built-in JDK as &quot;(System)&quot;.
    (<a href="">issue 755</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Update JNA library to 4.2.1 in order to integrate fixes for linux-ppc64 and linux-arm platforms.
    (<a href="">issue 15792</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.634>What's new in 1.634</a> (2015/10/18)</h3>
<ul class=image>
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
  <li class="major bug">
    Fix order of builds in new builds history widget introduced in 1.633.
    (<a href="">issue 30899</a>)
James Nord's avatar
James Nord committed
  <li class="major bug">
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    Bytecode Compatibility Transformer would fail to transform some classes resulting in <code>ClassNotFoundException</code>.
James Nord's avatar
James Nord committed
    (<a href="">issue 30820</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Prevent <code>ClassCastException</code> in <code>AbstractBuild::reportError()</code> if the build step is not Publisher.
    (<a href="">issue 30730</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Trim job names during the rename operation (it is impossible to delete or rename jobs with trailing spaces).
    (<a href="">issue 30502</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Add &quot;graphBg&quot; and &quot;plothBg&quot; background color options to plot URLs
    (<a href="">PR 1769</a>)
Oleg Nenashev's avatar
Oleg Nenashev committed
  <li class="rfe"> 
    API changes: Add get method for causes of interruption in <code>hudson.model.Executor</code>
    (<a href="">PR 1712</a>)
  <li class="rfe"> 
    Allow case insensitive file patterns in Artifacts Archiving.
    (<a href="">issue 5253</a>)
  <li class="bug"> 
    Prevent <code>NullPointerException</code> while estimating duration of Queue executable items.
    (<a href="">issue 30456</a>)
  <li class="bug"> 
    Fix the resolution of Windows symbolic links in <code>SecretRewriter</code>.
    (<a href="">issue 30456</a>)
  <li class="rfe"> 
    Let a combobox display its drop-down when focused, so users can see candidates without entering a letter.
    (<a href="">issue 26278</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.633>What's new in 1.633</a> (2015/10/11)</h3>
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
<ul class=image>
  <li class="rfe">
    Added safari pinned tab icon.
    (<a href="">discussion</a>)
tfennelly's avatar
tfennelly committed
  <li class="rfe">
    Plugin Manager UI changes to prevent users from enabling/disabling/uninstalling plugins at the "wrong" time.
    (<a href="">issue 23150</a>)
James Nord's avatar
James Nord committed
  <li class="bug">
    bytecode-compatibility-transformer produces malformed bytecode.
    (<a href="">issue 28781</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Properly handle <code>RuntimeException</code>s in run retention policy handler calls.
    (<a href="">issue 29888</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Prevent <code>NullPointerException</code> in CLI if Jenkins cannot find the specified job
    or a job with the nearest name.
    (<a href="">issue 30742</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    Do not show <i>REST API</i> link for pages, which have no API handlers.
    (<a href="">issue 29014</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    JS alert preventing to leave a configuration page without changes.
    (<a href="">issue 21720</a>)
  <li class="bug">
    JS error triggered by collapsing build history widget.
    (<a href="">issue 30569</a>)
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
  <li class="major rfe">
    Build history pagination and search.