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Kohsuke Kawaguchi committed
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Kohsuke Kawaguchi committed
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Kohsuke Kawaguchi committed
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Kohsuke Kawaguchi's avatar
Kohsuke Kawaguchi committed
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Kohsuke Kawaguchi committed

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Kohsuke Kawaguchi committed
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Kohsuke Kawaguchi committed
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<ul class=image>
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<h3><a name=v2.45>What's new in 2.45</a> (2017/02/06)</h3>
<ul class=image>
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
  <li class=bug>
    Delete obsolete pinning UI.
    (<a href="">issue 34065</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Don't try to set Agent Port when it is enforced, breaking form submission.
    (<a href="">issue 41511</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Use project-specific validation URL for SCM Trigger, so <code>H</code> is handled correctly in preview.
    (<a href="">issue 26977</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Fix completely wrong Basque translation.
    (<a href="">pull 2731</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.44>What's new in 2.44</a> (2017/02/01)</h3>
<ul class=image>
   <li class="major bug">
     <strong>Important security fixes</strong>
     (<a href="">security advisory</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.43>What's new in 2.43</a> (2017/01/29)</h3>
<ul class=image>
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
  <li class=rfe>
    Print stack traces in logical order, with the most important part on top.
    (<a href="">pull 1485</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.42>What's new in 2.42</a> (2017/01/22)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class=bug>
    <code>IllegalStateException</code> from Winstone when making certain requests with access logging enabled.
    (<a href="">issue 37625</a>)
Jesse Glick's avatar
Jesse Glick committed
  <li class=bug>
    Failure to serialize a single <code>Action</code> could cause an entire REST export response to fail.
    Upgraded to Stapler <code>1.249</code> with a fix.
    (<a href="">issue 40088</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.41>What's new in 2.41</a> (2017/01/15)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class=bug>
    Restore option value for setting build result to unstable when loading shell and batch build steps from disk.
    (<a href="">issue 40894</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Autocomplete admin-only links in search suggestions only when admin.
    (<a href="">issue 7874</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Improve agent protocol descriptions.
    (<a href="">issue 40700</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Improve description for <em>Enable Security</em> option and administrative monitor when security is off.
    (<a href="">issue 40813</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Enable the JNLP4 agent protocol by default.
    (<a href="">issue 40886</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.40>What's new in 2.40</a> (2017/01/08)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class="major rfe">
    Support displaying of warnings from the Update Site in the Plugin Manager
    and in administrative monitors.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 40494</a>,
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    <a href="/blog/2017/01/10/security-warnings/">announcement blog post</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Do not print warnings about undefined parameters
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    when <code>hudson.model.ParametersAction.keepUndefinedParameters</code> property is set to <code>false</code>.
    (<a href="">pull 2687</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Increase the <code>JENKINS_HOME</code> disk space threshold from <code>1Gb</code> to <code>10Gb</code> left.
    The warning will be shown only if more than <code>90%</code> of the disk is utilized.
    (<a href="">issue 40749</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Plugin Manager: Redirect back to the Advanced Tab when saving the Update Site URL.
    (<a href="">pull 2703</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Prevent the <code>ClassNotFoundException: javax.servlet.ServletException</code> error 
    when invoking shell tasks on remote agents.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 40863</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Jobs were hanging during process termination on the Solaris 11 Intel platform.
    (<a href="">issue 40470</a>, regression in 2.20)
  <li class=bug>
    Fix handling of the <code>POST</code> flag in <code>ManagementLink</code>s within the Manage Jenkins page.
    (<a href="">issue 38175</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Require POST in the <code>Reload from disk</code> management link.
    (<a href="">pull 2692</a>)  
<h3><a name=v2.39>What's new in 2.39</a> (2017/01/02)</h3>
<ul class=image>
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
  <li class=bug>
    Properties were not passed to Maven command by Maven build step when the <code>Inject Build Variables</code> flag was not set.
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 39268</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Update remoting to 3.4 in order to properly terminate the channel in the case <code>Errors</code> and <code>Exception</code>s. 
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    (<a href="">issue 39835</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Improved Polish and Catalan translations.
    (<a href="">pull 2688</a> and
    <a href="">pull 2686</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.38>What's new in 2.38</a> (2016/12/25)</h3>
<ul class=image>
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
  <li class=rfe>
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    Update to Winstone 3.2 to support ad-hoc certificate generation on Java 8 (using unsupported APIs).
Daniel Beck's avatar
Daniel Beck committed
    <strong>This option is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.</strong>
    We strongly recommend you create self-signed certificates yourself and use <tt>--httpsKeyStore</tt> and related options instead.
    (<a href="">issue 25333</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    The <tt>install-plugin</tt> CLI command now correctly installs plugins when multiple file arguments are specified.
    (<a href="">issue 32358</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Correctly state that Jenkins will refuse to load plugins whose dependencies are not satisfied in plugin manager.
    (<a href="">issue 40666</a>)
<h3><a name=v2.37>What's new in 2.37</a> (2016/12/18)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class="rfe">
    Allow defining agent ping interval and ping timeout in seconds.
    It can be done via the 
    <code>hudson.slaves.ChannelPinger.pingIntervalSeconds</code> and
    <a href="">
      system properties</a>.
    (<a href="">issue 28245</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Delegate JNLP HMAC computation to <code>SlaveComputer</code> instances when possible.
    (<a href="">issue 40286</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Diagnosability: Split Exception handling of node provision and adding to Jenkins.
    (<a href="">issue 38903</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Do not report <code>-noCertificateCheck</code> warning to STDOUT.
    (<a href="">pull 2666</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Improve overall performance of Jenkins by accessing item group elements without sorting where it is possible.
    (<a href="">pull 2665</a>)
  <li class="rfe">
    Convert URI encoding check on the <code>Manage Jenkins</code> page into admin monitor.
    (<a href="">issue 39433</a>)
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