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</span><span style="visibility:hidden">xxxxx</span>
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<img src="" width="16" height="16"
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<img src="" width="16" height="16"
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<img src="" width="16" height="16"
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Richard Mortimer
<li class=bug>
Sorting "diff" in test result requires 2 clicks
(<a href="">issue 5460</a>)
<li class=bug> Unexpected termination of the channel - SEVERE: I/O error in channel Chunked connection when using jenkins-cli.jar (works on older Hudson version)
(<a href="">issue 11130</a>)
Reynald Borer
<li class=bug>
Debian init script now returns the proper exit code from the 'status' command.
(<a href="">issue 11306</a>)
<li class=bug>
Fixed a bug in Mac OS X ProcessKiller argument parsing.
(<a href="">issue 9634</a>)
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
<li class=bug>
Dependency wasn't recalculated with CLI "update-job" command.
(<a href="">issue 11636</a>)
<li class=bug>
Copy artifacts fails on windows slaves due to failing to set a timestamp.
(<a href="">issue 11073</a>)
<li class=rfe>
Sortable table wasn't "stable" when there are same values in different rows
(<a href="">issue 11551</a>)
<li class=rfe>
Managed windows slaves can be now run as a specific user account
(<a href="">pull #289</a>)
<li class=rfe>
Description field now has the preview button to test it inline.
(<a href="">pull #243</a>)
<li class=rfe>
Christoph Kutzinski
Record fingerprints of parent POMs - only working with Maven 2.2 or newer
(<a href="">issue 8383</a>)
<li class=rfe>
Maven mojo records can be now sorted
<!-- these changes are controlled by the release process. DO NOT MODIFY -->
<div id="rc" style="display:none;"><!--=BEGIN=-->
<h3><a name=v1.439>What's new in 1.439</a> <!--=DATE=--></h3>
<li class=bug>
Fixed random OutOfMemoryError with console annotations
(<a href="">issue 9349</a>)
<li class=bug>
Fix small UI issue on build queue.
(<a href="">issue 11637</a>)
<li class=rfe>
Textbox for numbers should be type=number
(<a href="">issue 11513</a>)
<li class=rfe>
Added an extension point to sort matrix configuration builds when executing them sequentially
(<a href="">pull #301</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.438>What's new in 1.438</a> (2011/11/07)</h3>
Thanks to Luca De Fulgentis, fixed XSS vulnerability with the built-in servlet container.
<li class=bug>
Repeated ids, expandTextArea() and multiple "Invoke Ant" build steps.
(<a href="">issue 10989</a>)
<li class=bug>
Improve the resilience to the missing 'nextBuildNumber' file.
(<a href="">issue 11563</a>)
<li class=bug>
NPE when running Maven 3 jobs with -T.
(<a href="">issue 11458</a>)
<li class=rfe>
Support mailto: links in actions.
(<a href="">issue 7725</a>)
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
<li class=rfe>
Rewrote the JDK installer to remove problematic HtmlUnit dependencies.
(<a href="">issue 11420</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.437>What's new in 1.437</a> (2011/10/31)</h3>
<li class=rfe>
Added MIME headers with job name and build result to notification emails.
<li class=bug>
"Changes" in Build Summary broken in IE standard mode since 1.434
(<a href="">issue 11383</a>)
<li class=bug>
GET request to configSubmit wipes some configuration
(<a href="">issue 11397</a>, <a href="">issue 7847</a>)
<li class=bug>
Jenkins logo headless when server is starting.
(<a href="">issue 11444</a>)
<li class=rfe>
Allow update center CA certificates to be placed in $JENKINS_HOME/update-center-rootCAs
<h3><a name=v1.436>What's new in 1.436</a> (2011/10/23)</h3>
<li class=bug>
Fixed a plugin boot problem that causes Jenkins to startup gracefully when some optional plugin dependencies aren't met (such as ivy to nant)
(<a href="">issue 11279</a>)
<li class=bug>
Avoid overwriting the repository definitions.
(<a href="">issue 11229</a>)
OHTAKE Tomohiro
<li class=bug>
"Tailing" the console of an active job broken in 1.434
(<a href="">issue 11307</a>)
<li class=bug>
Fingerprint's age should be sorted by its elapsed time
(<a href="">issue 9210</a>)
<li class=rfe>
Improved the classloading performance
<li class=rfe>
Expose original file name as a String parameter on for FileParameters
(<a href="">issue 11326</a>)
<li class=rfe>
Added hyperlinks to build trigger console messages.
(<a href="">pull #291</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.435>What's new in 1.435</a> (2011/10/17)</h3>
<li class=bug>
Fixed the XML encoding sniffing problem in environments that have old JAXP
(<a href="">issue 4525</a>)
<li class=bug>
Suggestions for search do not work since 1.433
(<a href="">issue 11208</a>)
<li class=rfe>
"System Admin E-mail Address" is confusing label for notification mail "from"
(<a href="">issue 11209</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.434>What's new in 1.434</a> (2011/10/09)</h3>
Richard Mortimer
<li class=bug>
Add support for android-maven-plugin integration test reports and fix an error with 2.x maven-android-plugin
(<a href="">issue 10913</a>)
<li class=bug>
HTTPS on port 80 makes Jenkins infer his URI incorrectly
(<a href="">issue 11151</a>)
OHTAKE Tomohiro
<li class=bug>
Resizable textarea handle does not work if CodeMirror is enabled
(<a href="">issue 11132</a>)
<li class=bug>
"Alternate settings file" build parameter is getting cleaned after job execution
(<a href="">issue 10955</a>)
<li class=rfe>
upgrade Apache Maven Wagon to 2.0.
(<a href="">issue 11164</a>)
<li class=rfe>
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