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    (<a href="">issue 16457</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Plugin icons in the sidebar were not being properly cached.
    (<a href="">issue 16530</a>)
  <li class='major bug'>
    Broadly as well as deeply nested build causes overwhelmed the UI after 1.482.
    (<a href="">issue 15747</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    API typo <code>DependecyDeclarer</code> corrected.
Jesse Glick's avatar
Jesse Glick committed
  <li class=bug>
    Avoid eagerly loading builds in <b>Changes in dependency</b> or culprit list.
    (<a href="">pull 689</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Run parameters do not support folders.
    (<a href="">issue 16462</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Fixed RememberMe cookie signature generation.
    (<a href="">issue 16278</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Fixed NullPointerException when copying from existing Maven job
    (<a href="">issue 16499</a>)
Kohsuke Kawaguchi's avatar
Kohsuke Kawaguchi committed
<h3><a name=v1.500>What's new in 1.500</a> (2013/01/26)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class=bug>
    Since 1.494, when signing up as a new user in the private security realm the email address was left unconfigured and a stack trace printed.
Jesse Glick's avatar
Jesse Glick committed
  <li class=rfe>
    Enable transparent log decompression support.
    (<a href="">issue 13655</a>)
  <li class=rfe>
    Display authorities at <code>/user/*</code> for convenience.
    (<a href="">pull 577</a>)
    Slow rendering of view pages in large installations due to eager check whether the “People” link would show anything.
    (<a href="">issue 16244</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Reduced size of memory leak in render-on-demand functionality used e.g. in configuration pages.
    (<a href="">issue 16341</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Improving responsiveness of <b>People</b> page.
    (<a href="">issue 16342</a>)
    (<a href="">issue 16397</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Exception printed to log while adding <b>Build other projects</b> post-build step.
    (<a href="">issue 16444</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    <code>BindException</code> when using <code>--daemon</code> with JMX.
    (<a href="">issue 14529</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Improved logging and error output from SSHD in Jenkins.
  <li class=rfe>
    Linking to the <code>/threadDump</code> page from <code>/systemInfo</code> so it is discoverable.
  <li class='major bug'>
    Rekeying operation (from SECURITY-49 fix in 1.498) failed on Windows.
    (<a href="">issue 16319</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    JNLP slave index page failed to explain how to pass <code>-jnlpCredentials</code>.
    (<a href="">issue 16273</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Links should preserve used protocol
    (<a href="">issue 16368</a>)
  <li class=bug>
    Don't report the same plugin twice in the update center if the filtering is in effect.
   <li class=bug>
     Accept any plugin with a 'test' goal as a test plugin in Maven jobs
     (<a href="">issue 8334</a>)
   <li class=rfe>
      Avoid unnecessary downloads if automatically installed tools are up-to-date
      (<a href="">issue 16215</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.499>What's new in 1.499</a> (2013/01/13)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class=bug>
    Fixed <tt>NoClassDefFoundError: Base64</tt> with the <tt>-jnlpCredentials</tt> option.
    (<a href="">issue 9679</a>)
<h3><a name=v1.498>What's new in 1.498</a> (2013/01/07)</h3>
<ul class=image>
  <li class='major bug'>
    The master key that was protecting all the sensitive data in <tt>$JENKINS_HOME</tt> was vulnerable.
<h3><a name=v1.497>What's new in 1.497</a> (2013/01/06)</h3>
Kohsuke Kawaguchi's avatar
Kohsuke Kawaguchi committed
<ul class=image>
  <li class=bug>
    Delete the oldest build but it still come up on HistoryWidget
    (<a href="">issue 16194</a>)
Kohsuke Kawaguchi's avatar
Kohsuke Kawaguchi committed

<b>Older changelogs can be found in a <a href="changelog-old.html">separate file</a></b>
