JsDuck ====== Simple JavaScript Duckumentation generator. ,~~. ( 6 )-_, (\___ )=='-' \ . ) ) \ `-' / hjw ~'`~'`~'`~'`~ This duck is starting to get ready... Motivation for JsDuck: [Why ExtJS doc-comments suck][motivation] [motivation]: http://www.triin.net/2010/03/14/Why_ExtJS_doc-comments_suck Dependencies ------------ * Ruby 1.8 * [json](http://flori.github.com/json/) * [RDiscount](https://github.com/rtomayko/rdiscount) For development: * Rake * RSpec More ---- * [List of supported @tags][tags] * [List of doc-comment errors(?) found in ExtJS source][errors] [tags]: https://github.com/nene/jsduck/wiki/List-of-supported-@tags [errors]: https://github.com/nene/jsduck/wiki/List-of-doc-comment-errors(%3F)-found-in-ExtJS-source Copying ------- JsDuck is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. JsDuck was developed by [Rene Saarsoo](http://triin.net).