require 'rubygems' require 'rake' $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) require 'rspec' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' do |spec| spec.rspec_opts = ["--color"] spec.pattern = "spec/**/*_spec.rb" end desc "Build gem locally" task :build do system "gem build jsduck.gemspec" end desc "Install gem locally" task :install => :build do system "gem install --user-install jsduck" end desc "Run JSDuck on ExtJS SDK" task :sdk do if File.exists?("sdk-vars.rb") require "sdk-vars.rb" else puts "Error: sdk-vars.rb not found." puts puts "Please create file sdk-vars.rb and define constants SDK_DIR and OUT_DIR in it." puts puts "For example:" puts puts " SDK_DIR='/path/to/SDK'" puts " OUT_DIR='/path/to/ouput/dir'" exit 1 end system [ "ruby bin/jsduck", # --external=Error to ignore the Error class that Ext.Error extends. "--external=Error", # to create symbolic links to template files instead of copying them over. # Useful for development. Turn off for deployment. "--template-links", '--link=\'%a\'', # Note that we wrap image template inside

because {@img} often # appears inline withing text, but that just looks ugly in HTML '--img=\'


\'', "--guides=#{SDK_DIR}/guides", "--output=#{OUT_DIR}", "#{SDK_DIR}/extjs/src", "#{SDK_DIR}/platform/src", "#{SDK_DIR}/platform/core/src" ].join(" ") # Finally copy over the images that documentation links to. system "cp -r #{SDK_DIR}/extjs/doc-resources #{OUT_DIR}/doc-resources" system "cp -r #{SDK_DIR}/platform/doc-resources/* #{OUT_DIR}/doc-resources" end task :default => :spec