require 'rubygems' require 'rake' require 'digest/md5' $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) def os_is_windows? RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw|cygwin/ end require 'rspec' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' do |spec| spec.rspec_opts = ["--color"] unless os_is_windows? spec.pattern = "spec/**/*_spec.rb" end def load_sdk_vars if File.exists?("sdk-vars.rb") require "./sdk-vars.rb" else puts "Error: sdk-vars.rb not found." puts puts "Please create file sdk-vars.rb and define in it:" puts puts " # where to output the docs" puts " OUT_DIR='/path/to/ouput/dir'" puts " # path to Ext JS 4 build" puts " EXT_BUILD='/path/to/ext-4'" puts " # path to Touch 2 build (for building Sencha Touch)" puts " TOUCH_BUILD='/path/to/touch-2'" puts " # path to SDK (for developers at Sencha)" puts " SDK_DIR='/path/to/SDK'" exit 1 end end # Compress JS/CSS file in-place # Using a hackish way to access yui-compressor def yui_compress(fname) system "java -jar $(dirname $(which sencha))/bin/yuicompressor.jar -o #{fname} #{fname}" end # Calculates MD5 hash of a file and renames the file to contain the # hash inside the filename. def md5_rename(fname) hash = Digest::MD5.file(fname).hexdigest hashed_name = inject_hash_to_filename(fname, hash) File.rename(fname, hashed_name) return hashed_name end # Given filename "foo/bar.js" and hash "HASH" produces "foo/bar-HASH.js" def inject_hash_to_filename(fname, hash) parts = File.basename(fname).split(/\./) parts[0] += "-" + hash File.dirname(fname) + "/" + parts.join(".") end # Reads in all CSS files referenced between BEGIN CSS and END CSS markers. # Deletes those input CSS files and writes out concatenated CSS to # resources/css/app.css # Finally replaces the CSS section with to that one CSS file. def combine_css(html, dir, opts = :write) css_section_re = /.*/m css = [] css_section_re.match(html)[0].each_line do |line| if line =~ /') end # Same thing for JavaScript, result is written to: app.js def combine_js(html, dir) js_section_re = /.*/m js = [] js_section_re.match(html)[0].each_line do |line| if line =~ /') end # Modifies HTML to link app.css. # Doesn't modify the linked CSS files. def rewrite_css_links(dir, filename) html = + "/" + filename); html = combine_css(html, dir, :replace_html_only) + "/" + filename, 'w') {|f| f.write(html) } end # Compress JavaScript and CSS files of JSDuck def compress load_sdk_vars # Clean up template-min/ left over from previous compress task system("rm", "-rf", "template-min") # Copy template/ files to template-min/ system("cp", "-r", "template", "template-min") # Now do everything that follows in template-min/ dir dir = "template-min" # Create JSB3 file for Docs app system("sencha", "create", "jsb", "-a", "http://localhost/docs/", "-p", "#{dir}/app.jsb3") # Concatenate files listed in JSB3 file system("sencha", "build", "-p", "#{dir}/app.jsb3", "-d", dir) # Remove intermediate build files system("rm", "#{dir}/app.jsb3") system("rm", "#{dir}/all-classes.js") # Replace app.js with app-all.js system("mv", "#{dir}/app-all.js", "#{dir}/app.js") # Remove the entire app/ dir system("rm", "-r", "#{dir}/app") # Change CSS links in print-template.html and index-template.html files rewrite_css_links(dir, "print-template.html") rewrite_css_links(dir, "index-template.html") # Concatenate CSS and JS files referenced in template.html file template_html = "#{dir}/template.html" html = html = combine_css(html, dir) html = combine_js(html, dir), 'w') {|f| f.write(html) } # Clean up SASS files # (But keep prettify lib, which is needed for source files) system "rm -rf #{dir}/resources/sass" system "rm -rf #{dir}/resources/codemirror" system "rm -rf #{dir}/resources/.sass-cache" # Empty the extjs dir, leave only the main JS file and images system "rm -rf #{dir}/extjs" system "mkdir #{dir}/extjs" system "cp template/extjs/ext-all.js #{dir}/extjs" system "mkdir -p #{dir}/extjs/resources/themes/images" system "cp -r template/extjs/resources/themes/images/default #{dir}/extjs/resources/themes/images" end class JsDuckRunner def initialize @options = [] load_sdk_vars end def add_options(*options) @options += options end def add_comments(db_name, version) add_options("--comments-url", "http://localhost:3000/auth") add_options("--comments-domain", db_name+"/"+version) end def add_ext4 @options += [ "--title", "Sencha Docs - Ext JS 4.0", "--footer", "Ext JS 4.0 Docs - Generated with JSDuck {VERSION}." + " Terms of Use", "--ignore-global", "--warnings", "-all", "--images", "#{EXT_BUILD}/docs/images", "--local-storage-db", "ext-4", "--output", "#{OUT_DIR}", "#{EXT_BUILD}/src", ] end def add_debug add_options( "--extjs-path", "extjs/ext-all-debug.js", "--template", "template" ) add_options("--template-links") unless os_is_windows? end def run # Pass multiple arguments to system, so we'll take advantage of the built-in escaping system(*["ruby", "bin/jsduck"].concat(@options)) end end # Download ExtJS into template/extjs task :get_extjs do system "curl -o template/" system "unzip template/ -d template/" system "rm -rf template/extjs" system "mv template/ext-4.1.1a template/extjs" system "rm template/" end # Auto-generate sdk-vars.rb config file task :config_file do if File.exists?("sdk-vars.rb") puts "sdk-vars.rb already exists. Keeping it." else puts "Generating sdk-vars.rb with the following content:" config = <<-EORUBY # where to output the docs OUT_DIR='#{Dir.pwd}/output' # path to Ext JS 4 build EXT_BUILD='#{Dir.pwd}/template/extjs' EORUBY puts puts config"sdk-vars.rb", "w") {|h| h.write(config) } end end desc "Download ExtJS and initialize sdk-vars.rb config file" task :configure => [:get_extjs, :config_file] # Run compass to generate CSS files task :sass do system "compass compile --quiet template/resources/sass" end desc "Build JSDuck gem" task :gem => :sass do compress system "gem build jsduck.gemspec" end desc "Run JSDuck on Docs app itself" task :docs do runner = runner.add_ext4 runner.add_options( "--builtin-classes", "template/app" ) runner.add_debug end desc "Run JSDuck on official Ext JS 4 build" task :ext4 => :sass do runner = runner.add_ext4 runner.add_debug system("cp -r #{EXT_BUILD} #{OUT_DIR}/extjs-build") end desc "Run JSDuck on Ext JS from SDK repo (for internal use at Sencha)" task :sdk => :sass do runner = runner.add_options( "--output", OUT_DIR, "--config", "#{SDK_DIR}/extjs/docs/config.json", "--examples-base-url", "extjs-build/examples/", "--seo" ) runner.add_debug runner.add_comments('ext-js', '4') system("cp -r #{EXT_BUILD} #{OUT_DIR}/extjs-build") end desc "Run JSDuck on Sencha Touch 2 repo (for internal use at Sencha)" task :touch2 => :sass do runner = runner.add_options( "--output", OUT_DIR, "--config", "#{SDK_DIR}/touch/docs/config.json", "--examples-base-url", "touch-build/examples/production/", "--seo" ) runner.add_debug runner.add_comments('touch', '2') system("cp -r #{TOUCH_BUILD} #{OUT_DIR}/touch-build") end task :default => :spec