JsDuck ====== Simple JavaScript Duckumentation generator. ,~~. ( 6 )-_, (\___ )=='-' \ . ) ) \ `-' / hjw ~'`~'`~'`~'`~ JsDuck aims to be a better documentation generator for [ExtJS][]. While it tries to do everything that [ext-doc][] does, it isn't satisfied with it and aims to make your life much easier. Basically JsDuck thinks that the following doc-comment really sucks: /** * @class Ext.form.TextField * @extends Ext.form.Field *

Basic text field. Can be used as a direct replacement for traditional * text inputs, or as the base class for more sophisticated input controls * (like {@link Ext.form.TextArea} and {@link Ext.form.ComboBox}).




The validation procedure is described in the documentation for * {@link #validateValue}.


Alter Validation Behavior


Validation behavior for each field can be configured:

*/ Ext.form.TextField = Ext.extend(Ext.form.Field, { Not quite so readable is it? The source of ExtJS is filled with comments just like that, and when you use ext-doc, you too are forced to write such comments. JsDuck does not like it. Although it can handle comments like this, it would like that you wrote comments like that instead: /** * Basic text field. Can be used as a direct replacement for traditional * text inputs, or as the base class for more sophisticated input controls * (like {@link Ext.form.TextArea} and {@link Ext.form.ComboBox}). * * Validation * ---------- * * The validation procedure is described in the documentation for * {@link #validateValue}. * * Alter Validation Behavior * ------------------------- * * Validation behavior for each field can be configured: * * - `{@link Ext.form.TextField#invalidText invalidText}` : * the default validation message to show if any validation step above * does not provide a message when invalid * - `{@link Ext.form.TextField#maskRe maskRe}` : * filter out keystrokes before any validation occurs * - `{@link Ext.form.TextField#stripCharsRe stripCharsRe}` : * filter characters after being typed in, but before being validated */ Ext.form.TextField = Ext.extend(Ext.form.Field, { As you can see, JsDuck supports formatting comments with friendly [Markdown][] syntax. And it can infer several things from the code (like @class and @extends in this case), so you don't have to repeat yourself. That's basically it. Have fun. [ExtJS]: http://www.sencha.com/products/js/ [ext-doc]: http://ext-doc.org/ [Markdown]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ Dependencies ------------ To run, you need Ruby 1.8 with [json][] and [RDiscount][] gems. For development Rake and RSpec are also needed. [json]: http://flori.github.com/json/ [RDiscount]: https://github.com/rtomayko/rdiscount Features and differences from ext-doc ------------------------------------- JsDuck has some strong opinions, so some things are intentionally missing. * Support for Markdown in comments * More things infered from the code * No XML configuration file, just command line options * Class documentation header doesn't separately list Package and Class - these are IMHO redundant. * Class documentation header doesn't duplicate toolbar buttons - another redundancy * Ext.Component has a component icon too, not only its descendants Missing features ---------------- It's still in early beta, so several things supported by ext-doc are currently missing: * Links from documentation to source code * List of subclasses * Tree of parent classes * Syntax highlighting of code examples * Constructor first in methods list * Search, not just searching from official ExtJS documentation * Support for custom @tags More ---- * [List of supported @tags][tags] * [List of doc-comment errors(?) found in ExtJS source][errors] [tags]: https://github.com/nene/jsduck/wiki/List-of-supported-@tags [errors]: https://github.com/nene/jsduck/wiki/List-of-doc-comment-errors(%3F)-found-in-ExtJS-source Copying ------- JsDuck is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. JsDuck was developed by [Rene Saarsoo](http://triin.net).