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API documentation generator for Ext JS 4.

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JsDuck aims to be a better documentation generator for [Ext JS][] than
the old [ext-doc][] was. It is used by Sencha to generate the official
[Ext JS 4 documentation][ext4-docs].

The highlights of JSDuck are [Markdown][] support and keeping you DRY
by inferring a lot of information from code.  Read the [Guide][] for
full overview.

[Ext JS]:
Rene Saarsoo's avatar
Rene Saarsoo committed
Getting it
Standard rubygems install should do (use the `--pre` switch to get the
latest 3.0 version which this README documents, otherwise you will get
the stable but quite old [0.6][v0.6] version):
    $ [sudo] gem install --pre jsduck
If you encounter errors during gem installation, you may need to
install the header files for compiling extension modules for ruby 1.8.
For Debian systems you'll need the `ruby1.8-dev` package.  For Red Hat
/ CentOS / Fedora use the `ruby-devel` package.

For **Windows** users out there, you can download the binary version,
which includes Ruby interpreter and all dependencies bundled in a
single .exe file.  Grab it from the [download page][].

[download page]:
For the simplest test-run just use the `--builtin-classes` option to
automatically produce documentation for JavaScript builtin classes
like Array, String and Object:
    $ jsduck --builtin-classes --output your/docs

You can also use `--verbose` option to see what's actually happening.

To generate docs for Ext JS 4 add path to the corresponding src/ dir:

    $ jsduck extjs-4.0.2a/src \
             --builtin-classes \
             --images extjs-4.0.2a/docs/doc-resources \
             --output your/docs
Running JSDuck with the current ext-4.0.2a release is expected to
generate a lot of warnings.  Because of the bugs in doc-comments a
global class will also get created.  You can disable this by adding
`--ignore-global` switch.  If you are bothered by the excessive amount
of warnings, use the `--no-warnings` switch.  For full list of command
line options type `jsduck --help=full`.
The latest ext-4.0.6 release will produce only few warnings, so use
that if you can get it.
Note that the resulting documentation will only contain the API
documentation.  Guides, videos and examples will not be present.
These can be added using more command line options, but for now those
aren't well documented as the ext-4.0.2a release doesn't contain the
source files for these.

To generate docs for your own project, simply add as many other input
directories as needed:
    $ jsduck --builtin-classes ext-4.0.2a/src project1/js project2/js --output your/docs

Of course you don't have to include the whole Ext JS into your
documentation, but if your project is built on top of it, it makes
sense to do so - otherwise you won't be able to see which methods your
classes inherit from Ext JS classes.
To create guides, videos and other sections, read about the
[Advanced Usage][adv] in wiki.

Hacking it

See [Hacking guide]( in wiki.
Rene Saarsoo's avatar
Rene Saarsoo committed
Documenting your code
All the supported syntax is described in the [Guide][].
Rene Saarsoo's avatar
Rene Saarsoo committed

JsDuck is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
License version 3.
Rene Saarsoo's avatar
Rene Saarsoo committed

JsDuck was developed by [Rene Saarsoo](,
with many contributions from [Nick Poulden](

Thanks to [Ondřej Jirman](,
[Thomas Aylott](,
[ligaard](, and many-many others who
reported bugs, submitted patches, and provided a lot of useful input.
Rene Saarsoo's avatar
Rene Saarsoo committed

See [Changelog]( page in wiki.